All information on this form will be treated as confidential.

Please complete this PAR Q form BELOW, if you are seeing me for the first time, or, if you are an annual returner to any of my classes. This should be done prior to you joining any class.

In conjunction with completing this form, please also read the relevant Booking Policy for the class that you are taking part in as you are required to agree to these terms, click on the links:

Your Details


Please read each question carefully and answer honestly by ticking YES or NO


Questionnaire continued


IF YOU HAVE ANSWERED YES TO ONE OR MORE QUESTIONS:Talk to your Doctor by phone or in person before you start becoming more physically active.  Tell your doctor about the questionnaire and which question you answered yes to. 

IF YOU HAVE ANSWERED NO TO ALL QUESTIONS:You can be reasonably sure you can start to become more physically active and take part in a suitable exercise programme.

Emergency Contact Details


Your GP Details




Please ensure that you have read and understand the relevant Booking Policy for the class that you are attending, as you are required to agree to these terms when attending a class.
